Sunday 16 June 2013


So yeah, a few weeks a go I decided to cave in and buy Paramore's new album 'Paramore' (what an original name!). 

the album cover
I was very sceptical towards it when I first listened as I have been a massive fan of their earlier work and didn't want to be let down in any shape or form by their newer stuff. There was honestly no need for me to worry about this however, because I'm honestly blown away by how good it is. To me, I feel the album is much more developed than their previous albums but still has their own sound about it, which is good. The sound they begun to create music is what gave them fans after all. It isn't an album where I like every single song. I pretty much skip past the song 'Interlude: Holiday' every time it begins to play; not that this matters too much seeing as it's only a minute long. In contrast to this, there are many songs that I am just blown away by every time I hear and often have them on repeat many times through out my day. I think my top three songs are probably Anklebiters, Now and Fast in My Car. They are so fabulous and really make me want to dance along. Hayley Williams also has such a great voice (which makes me slightly jealous seeing as I'm a singer too). I also think this is a very Summer orientated album because even though it has a rock edge on all the tracks it's still jam packed with a feel good vibe and good lyrics. After all, you can't be listening to depressing music whilst the sun is shining!

I'll leave you with their latest music video to give you a feel for the album if you haven't already downloaded it: 

And if anyone knows where to buy those paint drip tights, or how to make a pair please leave me a comment:) 

Au Revoir xx


Unknown said...

Really nice blog!

Vanessa said...

Wonderful post...I really like your pretty blog.^^
Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
Let me know follow you then back.
Lovely greets Nessa

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